YUNCA - Monte Base Wood Burner


Fire price only

The Yunca Monte Base Wood Fire is a clean air approved large-size radiant and convection wood fire. It comes in HTP BLACK (Hi-Temp Paint) as standard, but there are Optional Vitreous Enamel Colours available. The large glass area of the MONTE BASE maximizes the ambience only a solid-fuel fire can give, and the large door allows ease of refuelling. It comes with a 10 year firebox warranty.

Specifications: Height: 840mm, Width: 663mm, Depth: 572mm

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Heat Area


Clean Air

Yes - 0.7g/kg

66% efficiency (Dry)

Yes - 1g/kg

66% efficiency (Wet)

ECAN Authorisation No. (Dry) 122761

ECAN Authorisation No. (Wet) 157585


Yes - Purchased Separately


YES - Included

Fuel Source
