Maxen Kinmont 450 Wood Stacker


Fire price only

Ideal for your average 4-bedroom home and large family spaces, the Maxen Kinmont 450 delivers great heat output that will fill your home with good honest warmth – all day, every day.

With a big window for great flame viewing, it also means there’s more radiant heat entering the room.

This fire doesn’t just warm you either – its 8mm steel cooktop provides a source of heat for cooking or keeping your food warm when the power goes out.

It comes with a 15 year firebox warranty.

Specifications: Height: 735mm, Width: 700mm, Depth: 613mm

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Heat Area

ideal for 4 bedroom homes

Clean Air

Yes - 0.69k/kg (Dry)

65.9% efficiency


RURAL ONLY - Purchased separately - Optional 3.1kW wetback


YES - Included

Fuel Source
